A sports card brand products in Indonesia, which has been established 4 years ago and have not had the logo. The name Nimitz comes from a largest warships in the world, belongs to the United States Navy. Its logo, as an identity, consist of 4 main shape. It can be interpreted as the letter “N” or “Z”, as the first and last alphabeth of “Nimitz”. It has simetrical shape and has a form of windmill, something that always rotates clockwise, represents the business of Nimitz will be continuously running in positive way. The typography choice creates the impression of high-technology, combined with the red color that shows courage, passion, and spirit in sportivity. Black is always be a perfect combination of glamour and elegancy. Every concept is deeply considered and well-developed to describe Nimitz as leading, respectful and trusted brand for sports card product.
Website: www.nimitzcards.com
Client Since (Year): 2014
Scope of Projects: Branding (Brand Identity Development), Stationery Production, Paper Bag (design & production), Web Graphic, Store Signage