What éarly can do for you


Scope of Services

A. Brand, Product & Corporate Identity

Identity starts with a name. éarly will create and propose new brand name that suits the brand essence and the target market. Empowering the name side-by-side, éarly then will design an effective brand and corporate logo as a tool to communicate your brand essence and articulate corporate value to engage the target market.

After an identity is born, it needs to be solid to stay alive. éarly will develop Graphic Standard Manual (GSM), which automatically comes with Brand Identity Guidelines, as a strict framework of a consistent brand image. This guideline book will provide an efficient and easy way to communicate internally.

B. Marketing Collaterals

éarly also serves with abundant print collaterals: Company Profile, Marketing Kit, Annual Report, Corporate Greeting Card, Calendar, and others.

C. Product & Packaging Design

Packaging takes important role to steal first interest. éarly packs brand value in design with full understanding about visual beauty and target market.

D. Event & Exhibition Identity

éarly explores facades which illustrating the festivity’s theme before developing ways to establish the event and exhibition identity.

E. Digital Design for Web Purposes

To give supporting element, éarly is up to create web banner for digital advertisement.

F. Advertisement Design

Do not mistake with an advertising agency, éarly doesn’t provide media placement service. Yet, in terms of design and ideas, éarly is ready to produce advertising material for newspaper, magazine, or other medias.


As a compassionate companion, éarly will walk you through every step by closely manage the entire development process, accurately controlling costs and scheduling. éarly is the answer to your doubt of wanting the good printing production result in an effective cost. Apparently, experience taught a lot.

P.S. Loyalty is truly appreciated by éarly. And it all comes in an offer for you: retainer basis, éarly’s services for companies designing full and comprehensive Corporate Branding & Communication services for any fixed period of time. A retainer project arrangement would reduce your company’s expenses as service fees would be computed monthly, not on a case-by-case or per project basis. Please contact for details.