Learning about éarly branding & communication

The Best of éarly

éarly was born to do what it does the best: to metamorphose brand and business into the best shape possible. Since its birth in 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia, éarly branding & communication constantly aims to be the top-of-mind brand visual and communication agency. éarly always treats every project the same way by delivering the best service, the best management, and the best artwork.

éarly works side-by-side with clients to understand the business and current marketing challenges. And to expand skills and knowledge, éarly serves clients from various industries to effectively create, develop, build, and maintain brands through professional assistance. éarly is here to solve diverse problems with diverse services: Brand, Product & Corporate Identity, Marketing Collaterals, Product & Packaging Design, Event & Exhibition Identity, Digital Design for Web, and Advertisement Design. From ideas to well-executed materials, you will receive all the best kinds of éarly.

Behind éarly Brand

Being a young organization, supported by young, talented, and open-minded creative minds in the creative service industry, Early is in the forefront of offering clients an advantage in design ideas for today, and tomorrow.

The Founder

Proudly calling her as Creativepreneur, éarly is founded by Meiliana Sari Hermanto, who brings over 18 years branding experience and a strong local knowledge. Graduating Cum Laude at the age of 19 years, from International Design School (formerly known as Digital Studio College) one of Jakarta’s best design school, and awarded as Best Student, Meiliana is respected for her strategic design and brand management skills. A trained designer with a thorough understanding of design and identity processes, her experience in managing and implementing corporate brands in the region has earned her a reputation for the successful delivery of diverse projects. Being on-the-ground in Jakarta, she will be the Project Director, and immediate point of contact.


  • 2013 – Top 10 Finalist Wanita Wirausaha Femina (Femina’s Entrepreneurship Female)
    Chosen as one of ten finalists in Wanita Wirausaha competition held by Femina dan Bank Mandiri. It was a prestigious awarding and golden chance to meet various female entrepreneurs from diverse region with diverse skills and passions.
  • 2009 – Semi-finalist of Pemilihan Koko Cici Competition Jakarta (Bro & Sis Chinese Jakarta)
    Elected as a semi-finalist of Cici Jakarta and followed quarantine phase together with other koko-cici couple. It is not just a beauty content, it is a competition requiring talent, skill, and self valuation as a whole.
  • 2009 – Exposed at SWA Magazine under the rubric “Siapa Dia”
    Covered in a rubric by SWA business magazine. The article emphasizes profile as one of female entrepreneurs who started her career journey since young and up until Early has stood.
  • 2009 – 1st Place Winner of Biznet T-shirt Design Competition (Prize: iMac 20”).
    A t-shirt design competition which followed by 200 participants from Indonesia –and even foreign countries- held by Biznet internet provider. Meiliana successfully became the first prize winner to bring home a new 20 inch iMac.
  • 2007 – Best Student Digital Design Digital Studio College batch 7
    Meiliana once again proved that achievement is able to be accomplished only by hard work, tenacity, and discipline, by finishing her study with the highest award on her name.
  • 2007 – National award winning Graphic Design academic “IDE Awards”
    Along with 4 other partners, Dicky, Octavia, Rifki, and Welly in one team, Meiliana created a “Dolanpiade” (a national-scaled traditional game). “Dolanpiade” name derived from Javanese: dolan (play) and piade (from ‘olimpiade’, means ‘olympics’)

Interested to join us?

éarly never limits possibility. The team is open for full-timer, side job seeker, or freelancers who share the same passion. Please, drop your CV to begin a new collaboration with éarly.